Indonesia urges UN to meddle in Ukraine crisis

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-3-4 21:11:13

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa on Tuesday called for intervention of the United Nations Security Council in the latest hostilities in Ukraine which he said has escalated into international crisis.

"The moves may include dispatching a special envoy of the UN Secretary General to the affected regions," he said in a statement.

Marty also urged all parties involved in the crisis in the Crimean peninsula in the country to exercise utmost restraint, manage the crisis, promote peaceful settlement and consistently respect international law.

"It threatens not only the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also risks raising tensions in relations between the affected countries," he said.

Indonesia reaffirms its principles and consistent position on respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity as a fundamental principle of international relations.

Russia has threatened to send its troops to Ukraine to protect civilians following political turmoil in the neighboring country, a move widely criticized by the Western countries.

Posted in: Europe

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