Moment of netizen: Foreign Diaoyu Islands documentary well liked

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-3-13 20:38:02

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Foreign Diaoyu Islands documentary well liked

Diaoyu Islands, The Truth directed by Chris D. Nebe was released in Los Angeles in the US on Tuesday, defending the islands as Chinese territory since ancient times.

The documentary, part of the Mysterious China series produced by the Monarex Hollywood Corporation, tells the history of the islands, documents the dispute between China and Japan, and concludes that the islands are Chinese.

When China Central Television released the information on its official Sina Weibo account on Wednesday, Net users were quick to comment.

"The Diaoyu Islands were, are and will be Chinese territory," posted Net user Music_Power.

Another Net user Huashengdoudou posted, "There are always people knowing, telling and spreading the truth."

"The American government should encourage its ally Japan to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize for war crimes committed," wrote Yan Shaohua, a member of the Sina Weibo expert committee.

"Why do we need another country to reveal the truth?" wrote Wangxiaojian.

"It's more convincing if the truth is recognized by other countries," replied Connieningmengshui.

"If an American shot a documentary offering the opposite view about the islands, what would China Central Television do with it?" posted Renshengchizi.

Global Times

Posted in: Odd News

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