Kenyan police arrest over 100 suspects over Sunday's attack in Mombasa

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-3-24 18:39:04

Kenya police said Monday they are interrogating over 100 suspects following Sunday's gun attack on a church in the coastal city of Mombasa which left at least six people dead and some 15 others injured.

Combined team of security officers led by paramilitary police officers mounted a massive crackdown late Sunday and arrested the suspects with several crude weapons.

"We are grilling the suspects to establish if they are directly linked to the attack before they are arraigned in court," Likoni divisional police commander Robert Mureithi said.

According to Khadija Shikely, Mombasa County Director of Health, the death in the attack has risen to six after two survivors suffering serious chest injuries succumbed to injuries at Coast General Hospital and scores are still admitted with bullet wounds. A five-year old boy with bullet lodged in his head is among the casualties, who was still admitted at the Coast General Hospital

Mureithi said they have intensified security in the area, with a man hunt launched for the attackers who fled after opening fire at worshippers at the Joy Jesus church. "We will definitely get them, we are working very closely with residents here," he added.

According to anti terrorism police officers, Likoni is among active terror cells where youths are recruited to join the Al- Shabaab terror group.

Late last year the youths had attempted to blow up British van just a few meters from the church using a Russian made hand grenade but it failed detonate.

Reports within security cycles indicate that most of Al-Shabaab returnees are residing within Majengo Mapya area in Likoni, Kisauni and Majengo area near the Masjid Musa Mosque a hot bed of Al-Shabaab funding and training.

Police are profiling several mosques in Likoni and Mombasa behind the radicalization of Muslim youths.

The government has banned foreign Islamic preachers from delivering sermons in Mombasa mosques in an attempt to stop ongoing radicalisation of the youth.

Al-Shabaab militants have previously committed similar attacks in Nairobi, Mombasa and towns bordering Somalia, killing several people in what they said was a retaliation of the Kenyan military incursion in Somalia.

The Sunday attack comes barely a week after two Al-Shabaab terrorists were arrested with powerful explosives and weapons as they headed for a major attack in the coastal city.

Posted in: Africa

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