Mozambique's 2nd opposition party announces candidate for presidential election

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-3-31 8:28:27

The Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM) Mozambique's second opposition party announced on Sunday that Daviz Simango would be its candidate for the October 15 presidential election.

The announcement came as no surprise for the majority of Mozambicans, as Simango, founder and leader of MDM, is also mayor of the country's second biggest city of Beira.

MDM has been holding its National Council meeting since Friday in central Chimoio city in Manica province, where the MDM also approved its manifesto and strategy for the general elections.

There are now two candidates officially announced to run for the presidential election slated for October, when the country's fourth president will be elected since its independence, replacing current President Armando Guebuza.

Simango will be running against Filipe Nyusi, former defense minister and candidate for the ruling Frelimo party.

The largest opposition party Renamo has not announced its candidate, but it is widely believed that the party's leader Afonso Dlakama will lead the former rebel movement to run for the general elections.

It is Simango's second time to join the race for president since he founded MDM in 2009.

Posted in: Africa

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