Kenya says security forces closing in terror suspects

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-3-31 8:31:26

Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto said Sunday security forces are closing in on members of the terror gang operating in the Indian Ocean port city Mombasa and other coastal areas.

Ruto made the remarks when visiting the Joy in Jesus church, Likoni, the scene of a violent terrorist attack on March 23, when six Kenyans were gunned down by terrorists.

He confirmed that already two of the suspected terrorists had been killed and another injured.

"These people will not escape, we will not allow the devil to take over this country," he said in Mombasa.

He said the government had instructed security agents in Mombasa not to do anything else until they arrest all those who were involved in shooting worshippers at the Mombasa church last Sunday.

Ruto issued a stern warning that terrorist and criminals will be dealt with according to the laws that govern this country.

He said the police officers have been instructed to use their firearms whenever they feel their lives and the lives of the citizens they protect are in danger.

"Terrorist are dangerous people who cannot be tolerated and we are committed as country to deal with them," Ruto said.

The deputy president called on Kenyans to continue enjoying the freedom of worship enshrined in the constitution noting that no amount of terrorism will deter Kenyans from going to places of worship.

"Aside from the freedom of worship, Kenya is a God fearing nation; therefore there is no terrorist who will prevent us from worshipping God," he added.

The East African nation has experienced a string of grenade and terror attacks, targeting churches after Al-Qaida-linked Somali militants vowed to avenge Kenya sending troops who launched cross border incursion into southern Somalia in October 2011 to fight the militants.

The militants have previously committed similar attacks in Nairobi, Mombasa and towns bordering Somalia, killing several people in what they said was a retaliation of the Kenyan military incursion in their lawless country.

The incident comes of renewed attacks by the insurgents after police foiled a major terror attack in the coastal city of Mombasa mid this month and recovered powerful explosives and weapons.

Two terror main suspects linked to a vehicle that was found laden with explosives inside their vehicle were charged last week with seven counts, including a plot to murder.

The two Abdiaziz Abdullah Abdi and Isaac Noor Ibrahim were also charged with being members of the Al-Shabaab terror group and for being illegally in possession of firearms.

Ruto also hit out at radicalization of the youth in the country, saying Kenyan children should be taught an education that will be helpful to them and the country.

"We want Kenyan children to be taught an education that respects God, not be taught how to become terrorists or murderers, " he said.

Ruto noted that terrorism will not serve any religious or political cause, stressing that the government had incorporated leaders from all religious and political persuasions in fighting terrorism in Mombasa and the country at large.

Ruto asked security forces not to spare the use their skills and weapons

in subduing and apprehending the criminals.

"These people are using dangerous weapons to kill and maim innocent people and we must meet them with equal force to subdue them, anyone who shoots to kill worshippers in church is a devil," Ruto said.

Saying no one will use religious sanctuaries to further terrorism in the country," Ruto warned that security forces will follow the terrorists and murders wherever they hide including in churches and in mosques to stop them from radicalizing the youth.

"No criminal will use the sanctuaries to shield themselves from arrest," he said and cautioned the youth against being misled that they will go to heaven if they commit murder and other atrocities saying they will end up in jail and those who die will burn in hell.

"Let no one cheat you that you are going to heaven if you kill people," he said. Endtem

Posted in: Africa

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