At least 6 killed, 10 others injured in twin explosions in Nairobi

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-4-1 8:46:48

At least six people were killed and ten others injured in twin explosions in Eastleigh blast in a suburb of Nairobi.

The explosions happened when terrorists hurled explosives into a food kiosk and a bus stop, which about 50 meters were apart hitting crowds that were there.

Nairobi County deputy police commander Moses Ombati said the police have arrived at the scene and secured the areas where explosions occurred.

Ombati said the explosives are believed to be grenades which were hurled at a congested stage and a food kiosk in Joska, California estate which has been scene of terror attacks in the recent past.

But residents said the twin blast occurred at Joska and Mzalendo food cafes near California estate.

"I thought it was an electricity transformer which had exploded because there was blackout in the area immediately after the blast, " Yusuf Ali, a resident of Eastleigh told Xinhua.

"I have seen at least six people in hospital including a woman who sells us vegetables. The others are boys I know."

Those injured included women who had serious wounds when they were rushed to hospitals in the area when the blast happened along 11 Street of the crowded place.

Police said those who died were trapped in a food kiosk where they were for their supper. It is believed the attackers used grenades or Improvised Explosive Devices to launch the attacks.

"We are yet to establish the type of devices used in the incident but it could be grenades which were hurled at crowded place at a food kiosk," one of the police officers said.

Crime in the city has escalated in the recent few days with thugs targeting high end estates and business premises. The latest incident comes despite enhanced security in Nairobi and its environs.

Emergency services rushed to the scenes following the attacks that caught many unawares in the wake of increased such incidents. Nairobi County police commander, Benson Kibue said his officers who arrived at the scene first had seen at least six bodies in the kiosk.

"We have many casualties but we are yet to know the nature of explosive that was used in the attacks. We have people who have died," said Kibue.

The enhanced security came hours after the government had ordered all urban-based refugees to be restricted to two designated camps in northern region.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku last week announced an additional 500 police officers will be deployed with immediate effect in Nairobi, Mombasa and their environs to enhance security and surveillance to thwart any terror threats across the two major cities.

He said other security organs will support the exercise which is aimed at ensuring the East African nation, once an oasis of peace in the region, is safe.

Ombati said the police have been arresting people they suspect are likely to commit various crimes in the city. "They are either illegal immigrants with no proper documentation or refugees living in Nairobi. We are following the new directive," he said.

Security has been beefed up in the city particularly in major shopping malls as crime has surged across the country. The security measures follow fears of terror attacks and increased cases of mugging.

The incident came a day after a suspected terrorist was killed in an explosion in Eastleigh after the device which he was assembling went off.

The 22-year-old boy's body was dismembered after the blast went off on the first floor of a residential house he and three others were.

Police and witnesses said the three men who were with the deceased escaped in a salon car soon after the blast went off.

The latest incident also came after Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday entered into security pact with Kenyan Somali community to combat terrorism which has caused tension in the East African nation.

President Kenyatta stressed terrorist attacks which have seen many Kenyans being killed and maimed by suspected Al-Shabaab militia must come to an end.

"We all have a responsibility to bring this to an end. Tourism has been greatly affected by these terror activities. The industry which contributes 10 percent to the GDP is virtually on its knees, " Kenyatta said.

The East African nation has been at a verge of terrorism threats by Islamic extremists allied to Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaida militia after Kenya forces took control of the insurgents' stronghold in Somalia.

The police have also admitted that despite a boost in security the threat remained, urging shopping malls to remain vigilant and to "do more" to prevent attacks.

The recent terror at a church in Mombasa last Sunday and last year's Westgate mall in Kenya Nairobi capital that left over 68 civilians dead and dozens wounded was blamed on the militants from neighboring Somalia.

Posted in: Africa

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