UN chief urges international community to prevent atrocities

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-4-7 9:07:19

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said Sunday that the international community should strengthen its stance against atrocities as he attends the 20th genocide commemoration in Rwanda.

"We have learnt the hard and tragic lessons lesson from the 1994 in the Rwanda genocide ?C and we all agreed that never again. But another one was repeated just one after in Srebrenica. We have to prevent such intolerable genocide atrocities," he said.

Ban commended Rwanda for its contribution to peace efforts in South Sudan by contributing the largest contingent of peacekeepers to the UN Mission.

President Kagame on his part said Ban's presence in Rwanda during the special commemoration is an indication of how UN has continued to support the country after the genocide.

Ban has been in Rwanda a couple of times before but, according to Kagame, this latest visit is different and has its own special significance.

Posted in: Africa

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