ICRC concerned about situation in South Sudan as rainy season approaches

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-4-11 21:28:45

As the rainy season is approaching in the conflict-ridden South Sudan, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expressed deep concerns over the deteriorating humanitarian situation and growing food crisis on the ground, said the organization on Friday.

UN statistics showed that overall about a million people in the world's youngest country have been forced from their homes due to the hostilities that erupted between the government and opposition forces last December.

"We are concerned about the worsening of the humanitarian situation. There is growing food insecurity since the production and marketing of food have been disrupted in many places by violence or displacement," said Melker Mabeck, head of the ICRC delegation in South Sudan, in a statement amid the non-stoping fightings in the country.

He stressed that combined with the disrupted water and health services, the potential food scarcity accentuated the increasing urgency of aids.

Mabeck warned that the longer the violence continues, the more difficult it will be for people to obtain food and get other basic needs satisfied.

The aid official highlighted the necessity of enhanced efforts and more resources to be invested to respond to the ever-growing needs.

Meanwhile, ICRC also appealed parties of the ongoing conflict to abide their obligations under the rules of humanitarian law and respect civilians and their property, and as well as medical personnel and facilities.

Posted in: Africa

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