Extensive humanitarian operation needed in CAR: WFP

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-4-12 10:28:46

The World Food Program (WFP) on Friday said the Central African Republic (CAR) needed an extensive humanitarian operation over the following 18 months to provide relief assistance and support the rebuilding of livelihoods.

"About 1.6 million people directly affected by the crisis were in need of urgent food, more than double the level estimated just over a year earlier. As of late March, some 625,000 individuals were displaced due to conflict," Elisabeth Byrs, spokeswomen of WFP told a press conference.

Her remarks came one day after UN Security Council had authorized a peacekeeping mission to the worn-torn country.

"The UN Security Council had voted to send a 12,000-strong force to the CAR," the spokeswoman added, where security situation remained volatile in much of the country.

Since the rainy season has started in the region, the UN agency concerned the countries' roads would soon be impassable while thousands of people needing assistance would be out of reach.

"Distribution had to be accelerated," Byrs said.

She stressed as much as 47 million US dollars was urgently needed to continue operations to the end of August 2014.

WFP and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) had started joint distribution of seeds, tools and food to help people to survive the lean season and to be able to grow their food.

Posted in: Africa

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