Two killed, 3 injured in Algeria sectarian clashes

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-4-13 8:56:49

Two people were killed and three others injured in the last 24 hours during sectarian clashes in the desert province of Ghardaia, 6,000 km southeast of Algiers, a local medical source told Xinhua Saturday.

A security source revealed to Xinhua on condition of anonymity that the two victims were killed during a fire shot in the locality of Beriane amid violent ethnic clashes between the Chaamba community of Arab origin and Mozabite Berbers of the Muslim Ibadi sect.

The source said police arrested a suspect believed to be the killer of the two victims, as his riffle was seized. Meanwhile, representatives of the victims in Ghardaia said more than 600 families lost their homes in the ongoing violence while 400 others were forced out of their homes because of threats.

Mustafa Naam, representative of the association of distressed Malikite Arabs told Xinhua that the association counted 520 homeless families, noting that 350 houses were set on fire and vandalized, and 170 families were displaced from their homes because of threats.

The sectarian clashes erupted last December and claimed so far the lives of more than 13 people while hundred were wounded. And hundred of stores, farms and homes were set on fire.

In recent years, scenes of violence were recurrently reported in different localities in this province located not far from the oil and gas rich regions in the Algerian desert.

Posted in: Africa

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