Pistorius not mentally ill

Source:Reuters Published: 2014-6-30 23:38:02

Oscar Pistorius, the South African track star on trial for murder for shooting his girlfriend, was not suffering from a mental condition that would have impaired his ability to distinguish between right and wrong at the time she was killed, a psychiatric report said on Monday.

Pistorius has admitted­ to shooting dead his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, but maintains he mistook her for an intruder hiding in his toilet in an upmarket Pretoria suburb.

The trial, which began in March, took a month-long break to allow the 27-year-old to undergo a mental evaluation­ at Pretoria's Weskoppies­ hospital­ after a forensic psychologist brought by the defense testified that Pistorius had an anxiety disorder.

Posted in: Track and field

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