Xi says China, India partners not rivals

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-7-15 19:25:40

Chinese President Xi Jinping said here on Monday that China and India are strategic partners rather than rivals.

"Judging from either bilateral, regional or global perspective, China and India are long-lasting strategic and cooperative partners, rather than rivals," said Xi.

Xi made the remarks at a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of their joint attendance at a summit of BRICS countries, which will be held in Brazil from Tuesday to Wednesday.

China and India, two largest developing countries and emerging market economies, are striving for national rejuvenation, said Xi, adding that both of them treasure peace and development.

As two important poles of the world, China and India share many strategic converging points, said Xi.

"If the two countries speak in one voice, the whole world will attentively listen; if the two countries join hand in hand, the whole world will closely watch," said the Chinese president.

"I am willing to work together with Prime Minister Modi to constantly enhance the China-India strategic and cooperative partnership to a higher level, and jointly safeguard our strategic period of opportunities, as well as peace and stability of the region and the world at large," he added.

Modi said that the new Indian government led by him is willing to deepen the friendly cooperative relations with China, which are extremely important to India.

"I am willing to maintain close and good working relationship with President Xi and welcomes you to pay a state visit to India in the near future. I am also willing to visit China at a convenient time," Modi said.

Both India and China are ancient civilizations with long-existing cultural exchanges, said Modi, noting that the two countries should enhance mutual understanding, jointly promote the spirit of peace and inclusiveness in the international community and work hand in hand to deal with global issues and challenges.

The peaceful co-existence and common development of China and India are important contributions to the world and the mankind, Modi said.

Vowing to build strong ties with India, Xi said that he is looking forward to visiting India in the near future.

During their talks, Xi invited Modi to visit China at an early date. He said the two countries should converge development strategies, build closer development partnership and expand friendly exchanges in the fields of culture, education, religious affairs and youth.

Xi urged the two countries to launch a batch of exemplary projects in industrial investment and infrastructure building like railway construction, and expand cooperation in such fields as service trade, investment and tourism, so as to gradually realize a generally-balanced and sustainable bilateral trade.

The two countries, said Xi, should work together to advance the construction of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, so as to take the lead in regional economic integration.

Stressing stronger cooperation in multilateral affairs, Xi said the two countries should join hands in setting global rules, so as to raise the voice of developing countries.

China welcomes India to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member, the Chinese president said.

Xi suggested the two sides manage, control and handle differences with a positive and forward-looking attitude, and find fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solutions to their border issues at an early date through friendly negotiations.

The two countries should jointly safeguard peace and tranquility of the border area before reaching a final settlement, added Xi.

For his part, Modi noted that the new Indian government is more committed to economic development, adding India hopes to learn from China's success and expand bilateral cooperation in various areas.

India welcomes Chinese companies to invest in its infrastructure, such as railway, and to build industrial zones, Modi said.h

He stressed that India is willing to peacefully settle the border issues through the existing mechanisms and friendly negotiations.

Both Xi and Modi came to Fortaleza to attend the sixth summit of the BRICS, which consists of five emerging economies, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Posted in: Diplomacy

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