Two dead in northern Greece amid adverse weather conditions

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-12-8 8:28:16

Two people lost their lives in road accidents amid adverse weather conditions in northern Greece this weekend.

On Sunday police recovered the dead body of a young woman who drowned in an irrigation canal at the outskirts of the city of Serres, about 580 km north of Athens.

Investigators believe that the 24-year-old victim lost control of her car during heavy rainfall and plunged into the canal.

A few hours earlier the Fire Brigade had recovered the dead body of a 77-year-old man from Gallikos river at the neighboring Kilkis prefecture. The farmer's tractor had been swept during flooding as he was trying to cross a part of the river to tend to his animals.

As several parts of the country in particular in northern Greece are still on alert due to rivers which have swelled over their banks from torrential rains over the past few days, meteorologists warn that a new cold front is expected to hit Greece the coming week.

Posted in: Europe

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