WeChat accounts shut down over bogus information

Source:Global Times Published: 2015-1-21 0:28:01

More than 100 public accounts on social networking platform WeChat were reportedly shut down by China's top Internet regulator on Tuesday, in an effort to better manage cyberspace.

China's Cyberspace Administration announced it closed 133 public accounts on WeChat for "making up stories and spreading false and illegal information about the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the nation."

These public accounts were reported by some Net users, saying the accounts claimed they were "uncovering the truth," according to an official from the administration.

Public accounts on WeChat are run by organizations or individuals and provide content to their subscribers.

The official urged WeChat users to follow the "seven bottom lines," which include laws and regulations, national interests, social morality, and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

The cyberspace watchdog vowed to strengthen efforts to regulate online information and respond to tip-offs. The public can report suspected online malpractice to the 24-hour report center by phone or its website.

The administration announced a new rule in August 2014 requiring the real-name registration of public accounts on WeChat in a bid to crack down on online rumors, libel and pornography and violence.

Meanwhile, a draft regulation on network security will be submitted by administration for review and discussed in February. The proposal will put more emphasis on the security and content of Internet products, the People's Daily reported.

The draft added that it aims to prevent Internet products operators from illegally collecting or storing users' personal information. Any products which fail to meet the requirements will be refused entry in the China market.

Posted in: Society

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