Beijing's public transit on the 'smart' way

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-2-5 18:36:02

Functions of Beijing's public transportation card will soon be incorporated in a wearable device, as local authorities aim to adapt to the "smart" era.

Working with a local technology company, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Card Co. Ltd, which issues the city's transit cards, will allow the card functions to be incorporated in a wrist strap, which can be connected to mobile phones wirelessly.

Passengers can charge their cards and inquire about their card balance via their mobile phones, saving them the time spent waiting in long queues at ticketing offices.

In addition to public transit, the device's paying function will extend to supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, vending machines and restaurants.

The strap, which will be available following the Chinese Lunar New Year, will also help monitor the user's health status, and provide suggestions based on the statistics it obtains.

The strap will be priced at 168 yuan (26.9 US dollars), and a subsidy program will also be implemented to reward passengers who prefer walking to taking public transports.

The "smart" move is expected to be rolled out in more than 400 cities in the country in the future.

Posted in: Society

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