French TV station hit by pro-Islamic State hackers

Source:AFP Published: 2015-4-9 23:53:01

French television network TV5Monde was forced to ­broadcast only pre-recorded programs on Thursday after an "unprecedented" hack by self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) militants, who also hijacked its websites and social networks.

The Paris-based company, whose programs are broadcast in more than 200 countries worldwide, was the target of a cyber attack that is "unprecedented for us and unprecedented in the history of television," TV5Monde boss Yves Bigot said.

"Since 5:00 am (3:00 GMT), we have only been able to put out a single program on all our channels. For the moment, we are unable to produce our own programs," Bigot added.

"When you work in television ... and you find out that your 11 channels are down, of course that's one of the most dreadful things that can ­happen to you," he said.

The hackers took control of the station and its social media accounts late Wednesday, blacking out the TV channels and posting documents on its Facebook page purporting to be the identity cards and CVs of relatives of French soldiers involved in anti-IS operations, along with threats.

"Soldiers of France, stay away from the Islamic State! You have the chance to save your families, take advantage of it," read one message on TV5Monde's Facebook page. "The CyberCaliphate continues its cyberjihad against the enemies of Islamic State."

The defense ministry said it was working to verify whether the documents were genuine.

TV5Monde regained control of its social networks by 2:00 am Thursday but broadcasts were likely to take hours, if not days, to return to normal.

Its website was still offline at 2:00 pm.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the hack was an "unacceptable attack on the freedom of information and expression," voicing "total solidarity with the editorial staff."

The hackers had accused French President Francois ­Hollande of committing "an unforgivable mistake" by ­getting involved in "a war that serves no purpose."

Posted in: Europe

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