Obama, Merkel agree effort needed to get Greece to reform and grow in euro zone

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-6-29 10:54:59

US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday agreed that it was " critically important" to make every effort to return a path that will allow Greece to resume reforms and growth within the euro zone, the White House said.In a telephone call regarding the developments in Greece, Obama and Merkel reaffirmed that their respective economic teams are carefully monitoring the situation and will remain in close touch.

Months-long bailout talks between the Greek government and its creditors broke down Saturday over the economic reforms demanded by creditors. Eurogroup financial ministers rejected Greece's request for an extension so that it could put the creditors' proposals to a popular vote on July 5 and said any financial support to Greece will end on June 30 as agreed in February.

Posted in: Europe

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