Eurogroup head says Greek proposals need to be "credible"

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-7-7 20:09:29

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said Tuesday that Greek proposals need to be "credible" to seek a way out after Greeks voted "no" to creditors' bailout offer on Sunday.

Dijsselbloem made the comments minutes ahead of his one-on-one meeting with his new Greek colleague Euclid Tsakalotos.

"Given the situation after the 'No' vote in Greece, we need to hear from the Greek government first, how they seek a way out, how they think we can come to an agreement, so I am going to listen to my new Greek colleague first," Dijsselbloem told the press.

Greece's 'No' vote "basically means all proposals were rejected by the Greek people," he said, adding that the group were waiting for new proposals from the Greek government.

"Hopefully they have today, we will see whether they are credible to seek a way out," the president noted.

Posted in: Europe

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