Eurogroup meeting ends without agreement, to be continued Sunday

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-7-12 9:29:01

The finance ministers of eurozone countries will continue to discuss the Greek bailout programme on Sunday, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said early Sunday after the group's 13-hour meeting.

"We have had an in-depth discussion of the Greek proposals. The issue of credibility and trust was discussed, and also of course the financial issues involved," Dijsselbloem said at the exit doorstep.

"It is still very difficult, but work is still in progress," he added.

After months of tough negotiations, eurozone finance ministers gathered in Brussels on Saturday afternoon with expectations to seal a deal on Greece's bailout program, but doubts on Greece's implementation of the reform measures hiked.

The crucial meeting was widely seen as a "decisive moment" for Greece's fate: either a bailout deal or Greece's exit from the European common currency zone.

Without a debt deal in the coming hours, Greece faces a financial collapse and a Grexit. Greek banks have been closed for the past two weeks and are running out of cash while the country's economy is suffering from capital controls.

Besides, Greece has been in arrears to the IMF since July 1 and faces a 3.5-billion-euro debt repayment to the ECB on July 20. (1 euro = 1.11 US dollars)

Posted in: Europe

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