Eurogroup urges Greece to maintain bailout commitment after PM resignation

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-8-21 11:04:14

The 19-country Eurogzone called on the Greeks to maintain its commitment in its third bailout plan on Thursday following Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' sudden announcement of resignation.

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem "took note of announcement... It is crucial that Greece maintains its commitments to the Eurozone," Michel Reijns, spokesman for Dijsselbloem tweeted.

"Dijsselbloem recalls broad support in Greek parliament for new program and reform package, hopes elections will lead to even more support," he added.

Tsipras announced his government's resignation during a televised address to Greek people on Thursday evening, opening the way to snap general elections.

Posted in: Europe

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