Sino-Russian drills show determination in safeguarding international order

By Jiang Yi Source:Global Times Published: 2015-8-24 0:28:01

China and Russia launched their largest joint naval drill off the coast of Vladivostok on Thursday. Dubbed Joint Sea 2015 II, the drill, which ends on August 28, is the second phase of the annual China-Russia naval exercises.

    The exercises are split into two drills, the first of which was held in May, only two days after Russia's Red Square military parade, and the other is currently being held, just a few days before China's military parade in Tiananmen Square. The drills have been conducted on the special dates in order to emphasize the determination of the two countries to safeguard the post-war international order. China and Russia are hoping to use the joint drills as part of the efforts to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII.

The West is concerned that China and Russia are using the drills to flex their military muscles to counter the US and Japan, but it is a misconception.

It should be clear that China and Russia have launched the drills to cope with maritime security threats and have no intention to target the US-Japan alliance. Besides with Russia, China has carried out military cooperation with many other nations, and has played an active role in organizing various military and diplomatic activities in recent years. Military collaboration is one dimension of China-Russia cooperation but some countries have drawn the conclusion that the two sides are stepping up efforts to forge an alliance.

China-Russia cooperation is based on shared values over international political issues as well as on consensus over the future trajectory of the international situation. The high-level bilateral relationship is the prerequisite for the military cooperation. In addition, establishing a healthy relationship with neighboring Russia has reflected the good-neighbor policy, to which China has long adhered.

Even though US is trying to consolidate its alliance with Japan and South Korea, China has the diplomatic wisdom and political strength to avoid forming a military alliance.

In addition, the US would perceive an overly close China-Russia relationship as an unpleasant signal. This could trigger the establishment of a series of military blocs.

Admittedly, the US-China relationship may not be as good as expected, and the territorial disputes between China and Japan have been simmering for a long time. However, China is wise enough to avoid a confrontation among major powers. Even the US-Japan alliance is strengthened it does not mean China will follow and be dragged into a vicious rivalry among military blocs. Joint drills between China and Russia have started since 2012, and Chinese diplomats have reiterated that China follows a non-alignment policy and does not target any third party.

Western countries should be clear how the bilateral relationship between China and Russia will develop. It is not justified for the West to perceive China-Russia cooperation from a mistaken perspective.

The author is a research fellow of Russian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

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