Hong Kong girl injured in Bangkok blast to return home for treatment

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-8-26 13:58:22

A nine-year-old girl who was injured in last week's Bangkok bombing is scheduled to return to Hong Kong on Wednesday night, according to a local news channel.

Jasmine Chu will be accompanied by her father and immigration officers on her flight back. It is understood that an ambulance will send the girl directly from the airport to Princess Margaret Hospital to continue her treatment.

The girl had undergone three operations in Bangkok to remove bomb fragments in her leg. She will be the last injured Hong Kong resident to come home.

At present, it was confirmed that two Hong Kong residents deceased and six were injured in the incident. The corpses of the two deceased residents were also transferred back to Hong Kong last Friday.

The Immigration Department has said it will continue to closely monitor the situation and render practical assistance to Hong Kong people in Bangkok, while advising residents already there to attend to personal safety and remain in safe areas.

A deadly bomb blasted outside a popular shrine in the center of Bangkok last Monday, which left 20 dead and more than 120 others injured.

Posted in: Asia-Pacific

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