China applauds Russia's updated security strategy

Source:Xinhua Published: 2016-1-4 20:09:54

China on Monday hailed Russia's updated security strategy which spoke positively of Russia-China ties.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said China had noted a document endorsed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, an updated version of the security strategy adopted in 2009.

Hua said Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin met five times in the past year, and had reached important consensus in developing bilateral ties.

No matter how global and regional situations change, China and Russia are committed to deepening their strategic partnership of coordination, promoting common development, and safeguarding global justice and world peace and stability, the spokesperson told a regular press briefing.

The two countries, as permanent members of the UN Security Council and major emerging economies, will jointly boost high-level development of their strategic partnership of coordination, Hua said.

China and Russia are committed to a new type of international relations featuring cooperation and mutual benefit, while maintaining regional and world peace and stability, she added.

Posted in: Diplomacy

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