Overseas forces feed on disappearance cases to hype their rhetoric

Source:Global Times Published: 2016-3-21 0:48:02

Chinese media professional Jia Jia went missing recently, and the Western media has paid close attention to his disappearance. According to their reports, Jia was supposed to go to Hong Kong on Tuesday to promote his new book, but could not be contacted thereafter. It was reported that he made his last phone call to his wife from Beijing Capital International Airport.

This incident has drawn quite a few accusations from some international organizations, like the International Press Academy and Amnesty International, against the Chinese government. In the Western media reports, Jia is being added to the so-called list of media professionals and lawyers repressed by the Chinese government.

Jia's lawyer has confirmed with the Global Times that he was taken away by the police at the airport.

After the basic facts are clarified, the authorities will announce their findings. This is the proper procedure. Any suspicions about "custody or arrest in secret" are ill-founded.

China's rule of law has developed to a certain level so that all trials, except those concerning national security or are forbidden by law, will be conducted in public. This principle keeps being reinforced and is strictly followed. However, some people are misleading public opinion by hyping up certain sensitive cases in order to create a false image that Chinese law enforcement has become more unruly, and the Chinese find their safety is less guaranteed.

Like the previous cases in which several Chinese rights lawyers disappeared temporarily, authorities would not withhold the information for too long regarding why Jia was taken away by the police. Public opinion should not rush to conclusions.

News happening to a person of sensitivity may understandably cause some concern. But the subjective statement released by the International Press Academy and the Amnesty International, and protests staged by pro-democratic groups in Hong Kong are obviously driven by their political stance. Their purpose is to demonize China's judiciary system with an unclear issue. They are actually seeking material all the time to feed their rumors.

This is a reminder to the Chinese mainland law enforcement department that overseas forces are following their propensity to attack China's judiciary system. The period between detention of suspects and their detention being announced is good timing for these forces to hype up their conspiracies.

It means our law enforcement personnel must have a strong ability to discern sensitive cases and must approach them by following the law strictly.

Family should be notified within 24 hours after someone has been detained, and this can be extended if national security is involved. Overseas media outlets often stress the 24-hour time limit; we must pay close attention to it.

A lot of legal cases happen in China every day, but dissidents seemingly receive most of the attention from overseas media, which is closely related to Western support for anti-system rhetoric within China. Such conflicts will last.

There are no clear clues available regarding Jia's case. Those who respect China's legal system should wait until authoritative information is released no matter their concern or curiosity. The clamor is just to promote the political agenda of some forces.

Posted in: Editorial

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