Development path will lead Tibet to brighter future

By Yu Ning Source:Global Times Published: 2016-5-22 23:38:01

Monday marks the 65th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet.

The past 65 years have seen unremitting efforts by the Chinese government to render Tibet prosperous with ethnic unity and democracy.

The period also has been fraught with ceaseless sabotage by Tibetan separatist forces, with Western support, to try to split the region from China. 

Peaceful liberation and the subsequent reform lifted Tibet out of backward serfdom. The systems of people's congress and regional ethnic autonomy were established to allow local people to master regional development and their own fate. Over six decades of development in Tibet shows the region, led by the CPC, has followed a path that has benefited the Tibetan people most.

This could neither have been achieved in a society of feudal serfdom under theocratic rule, nor will be brought about by the so-called "Tibetan independence."

Regrettably, the West refuses to admit Tibet's progress. Disregarding Tibetans' improving livelihoods and ethnic unity, they are stuck in their bias and prejudices. They criticized China's efforts to combat separatists of being violations of human rights and persecution of Tibetans.

The West cares little about the interests of the Tibetan people. For instance, they have no objection to railway construction in other regions.

But when it comes to Tibet, new rail lines, which are designed to enhance connectivity within the region and with the outside world, as well as to stimulate regional economic growth, are criticized for their alleged negative impacts on the environment.

In the face of Western stereotyped accusations against China over the Tibet issue, we just need to give them a cold shoulder.

Despite China's economic growth rate target having been set below 7 percent, Tibet, which has maintained double-digit economic growth for 23 years, has set the ambitious target of achieving GDP growth exceeding 10 percent in 2016. It also aims to raise the incomes of its urban and rural residents by 10 percent and 13 percent.

Besides, as it is in an important position for the Belt and Road initiative, Tibet's economy will see more opportunities for growth in future. According to the 13th Five-Year Plan, Tibet is targeted to maintain its double-digit economic growth, lifting 690,000 people out of poverty and keeping the unemployment rate below 3 percent by 2020.

Regardless of Western criticisms against China over Tibet, the plateau region's future now looks more certain than ever now. Its residents are bound to enjoy a brighter, more modern, prosperous and open life.

Posted in: Observer

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