No shoes, no service

Source:Global Times Published: 2016-5-28 0:43:02

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

 A video where a man filmed himself throwing away the shoes of a sleeping traveler at Xiamen International Airport recently went viral. In the video, the angry man said he was so frustrated to see a Chinese traveler sleeping on a bench at a waiting room with his shoes and socks off. After condemning this behavior as uncivilized and damaging the image of Chinese people, he decided to dump the passenger's shoes into a nearby bin. Although such action won him support in the very beginning from Chinese netizens, people soon started to show mixed feeling toward it, with quite a few claiming that his starting point was correct, but the way he deals with it was extreme. Many netizens also asked why he couldn't at least try to talk to the traveler before throwing away his belongings. There's no pride in doing the wrong thing, even for the right reasons.

Posted in: Cartoon

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