Chinese, Vietnamese military officials hail achievements in cooperation

Source:Xinhua Published: 2016-6-3 20:56:33

Admiral Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of the Joint Staff Department of China's Central Military Commission, met with Vietnam's Deputy Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Yong here Friday and the two sides hailed achievements made in bilateral cooperation. 
Sun said promoting the development of bilateral military relations is in the interests of the two countries and peoples. He hoped that the two countries can step up high-level exchanges, enhance strategic trust, boost cooperation in various sectors, including cooperation under the framework of the United Nations peacekeeping missions. 
Nguyen Chi Yong said military ties between Vietnam and China developed smoothly with fruitful achievements being made in various fields of cooperation. He said this is a core factor for the two countries to maintain good relations. 
The deputy minister welcomed the Chinese side to conduct humanitarian rescue exercises with Vietnam on the sea and strengthen cooperation between coast guard forces of the two countries. 
The Chinese admiral and the Vietnamese deputy defense minister conducted the meeting at the sidelines of the 15th Shangri-La Dialogue, an Asia-Pacific defense and security summit, which is being held here in Singapore over the weekend. 
In another meeting held Friday, Sun Jianguo agreed with Gerry Brownlee, Defense Minister of New Zealand, to further promote bilateral military ties.  

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