Probe into Huawei shows US narrow mind

Source:Global Times Published: 2016-6-4 1:28:01

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

A motorbike street racer, surnamed Huang, from Jiangning, East China's Jiangsu Province, was recently arrested after local police trapped him by setting up roadblocks at three successive road junctions. Huang, who had no bike license, used to roar along the streets on his custom-made motorbike. In a display of arrogance and defiance against the law, rather than confidence, he boasted that no police officer could possibly catch him. The problem of street racing has surged in many places in China, with some racers even provoking the police by deliberately reporting their races to them in advance. Driving any type of vehicle at excessive speeds brings danger to everyone, especially nearby residents. Life should be lived for more than just joy and pleasure. Perhaps street racers should remember this.

Posted in: Cartoon

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