Humiliation awaits lackeys of overseas forces

By Shan Renping Source:Global Times Published: 2016/6/17 1:03:01

The notorious "China collapse" theory can always be heard abroad, thanks to the vociferousness of some overseas forces. Gao Zhisheng, a human rights lawyer, wrote a book recently in which he made the startling prediction that the ruling Communist Party of China would collapse in 2017.

Gao lives in the Chinese mainland, while this book was published in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Some mainstream Western media also gave sensational coverage to this book.

Gao has been jailed several times. He described his experiences in prison and predicted that China would become democratic, "led initially by a transitional government." Those who hate China's political system may hold the same illusion as Gao.

With such extreme views, the book has seized support from some overseas forces, which shows how addicted these forces have become to the delusion that China will collapse. Regardless of the logic of such arguments, they have resorted to jeering and damning instead of reasonable criticism and debates.

A few days ago, a video shot overseas became a hit on China's Internet. Xia Yeliang, an associate professor dismissed from Peking University in 2013 who is currently living in the US, proposed a Navy Seals-style surprise attack on Zhongnanhai, the seat of China's government, and appealed for political assassinations. Such crudity has shocked many people.

This shows that of those who have confronted the country's political system both within and outside China since the country's reform and opening-up, the most active ones nowadays have the least knowledge and the worst accomplishments.

Different from dissidents in general terms, these people are entirely cut off from Chinese society. They expect disturbance in China and take it as an opportunity for their political counteroffensive. They would rather sacrifice the interests of the Chinese public for their own ends. China's long-term stability and prosperity is the nightmare of their desperate lives.

These people are less influenced by the value of mainstream society and care little about morality. They are not afraid of being manipulated by overseas forces; rather, they will cater to the demand of these forces.

Such people are not difficult to find given the vastness of Chinese society. The West has ample room to choose from any of them to embarrass China. As the West has few tricks to resort to, using this group of people to make trouble for China is the most cost-effective way.

Most Chinese do not want to see any problems in the country's regime or a chaotic society. The curse on China's political system is contrary to the people's will. Chinese society is familiar with and disgusted by the approaches of overseas hostile forces who woo China's extreme antagonists to carry out destructive acts. These forces are bound to be humiliated.

Posted in: Observer

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