Lady Gaga’s meet with Dalai Lama angers mainland fans

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/6/29 0:33:01

US pop star Lady Gaga's Sunday meeting with the Dalai Lama, which was streamed live on Facebook, has captured widespread attention. A large number of netizens, thought to be Chinese, made heavily critical comments on Lady Gaga's Facebook page. Some of Lady Gaga's fans, from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and netizens from the Chinese mainland are pointing fingers at each other. It has become an online hotspot topic worldwide.

Lady Gaga is currently one of the top music superstars in the world. All her album releases create a sensation. Lady Gaga is an enthusiast in social activities, and is famous for her bizarre outfits and behavior. Her nickname in China is "Leidi Gaga," which roughly translates to "Shocking Gaga."

Although she is very successful in the Western market, Lady Gaga has so far not yet exploited her market in China. This might be the reason for her high-profile dialogue with the Dalai Lama without taking the Chinese public's feelings into consideration.

The Dalai Lama is both a religious and political figure. His role as a "dissident leader" and a saboteur of socialist China is the fundamental reason for his popularity in the West. The Dalai Lama skillfully bonds religion with politics, always presenting himself as a spiritual leader, but in the meantime selling his political schemes and damaging the unity of Chinese society.

The Dalai Lama is the most politicized religious figure in the world. Western leaders' meetings with him have long been defined as a highly sensitive political behavior. This will inevitably affect how the public feels, including how 1.3 billion Chinese feel, if celebrities from each part of the world have contact with the Dalai Lama, or publicly show their worship of him.

Although Lady Gaga did not discuss politics with the Dalai Lama, still, ordinary people in China find it hard to accept her showering high praise on him in this way. The comments from Chinese netizens on her Facebook page are a totally natural response.

The Chinese public detests the Dalai Lama. For them, he is a leader of separatist forces and leverage for the West to influence China. The mainland's net users have once again showed the world with their clear expression that the Dalai Lama is an undesirable public figure. And the Chinese public's response is completely predictable whenever political elites or social celebrities court the Dalai Lama publicly. If certain Westerners do this regardless, they will have to live with consequences.

The 30-year-old Lady Gaga is not necessarily sophisticated enough in politically sensitive issues. Many Chinese have heard about her, some of them enjoy her songs, but she has no political or moral charisma in Chinese society. The only thing she will earn from this incident is a bad impression and unpleasant memories from China.

Posted in: Observer

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