Good girls don’t, says sex ed textbook

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/6/29 21:33:00

Illustration: Liu Rui

Editor's Note:

A Chinese sex education textbook describing girls who have premarital sex as "sacrificing their bodies" and "degraded" has triggered a public uproar online. Although the publishing group later explained that "degraded," which was printed with quotation marks, was "not not meant to insult women," Chinese netizens reacted angrily and accused the textbook of gender discrimination. The Global Times has collected three pieces over this matter.

Sauce for goose is sauce for gander too

"Premarital sex degrades women." That's the way a lot of traditionalists think in China, with the unspoken caveat that it's just fine for men. Some men are not strict with themselves and think it's perfectly ok if they screw around before getting hitched. 

But a number of men attach importance to whether their wives are virgins and are unlikely to change the way they think. If women come across men stuck in this way of thinking, their married lives aren't likely to be happy.

This mind-set boils down to the deep-rooted phenomenon of gender inequality in China, which should be scolded by the whole of society.

However, it remains unknown whether a sex education textbook issued to high school students in Jiangxi Province is aimed at really helping girls and objectively laying out the inequality between males and females.

Then what's wrong with the textbook? A section entitled "Harm of sex crimes on adolescents" mentions, "Premarital sex has a tremendous negative psychological and physical impact on girls. Girls do not increase the love they receive from boys by sacrificing their bodies, but rather are seen as 'degraded' by their 'conquerors.' As a result, sexual relations can cause women to lose love."

But the publishers are too obstinate to admit mistakes, claiming that adding quotation marks to the word "degrade" means they are not disparaging girls.

As a middle school teacher from South China's Guangdong Province who dedicated to teaching kids about gender said, it is hazardous for an editor to pump the young's minds full of such lies.

With social progress, the virgin complex held in many men's minds has gradually faded. In addition, premarital sex based on mutual affection and true love will not cause women to "lose love."

Therefore, the view stated in the textbook does not conform to reality and consequently should not be used to educate students.

It's true that because of their premarital sexual behavior, some women are hurt by their ex-boyfriends, fall victim to patriarchal discrimination and even get insulted by their future boyfriends. In contrast, men are never blamed for having sexual relations before marriage.

This is the most severe phenomenon of gender inequality and a social notion that needs radical denouncement. It is startling that a textbook sticking to such a ridiculous mistake has passed review.

Bad teaching makes prejudices work

"Girls do not increase the love they receive from boys by sacrificing their bodies, but rather are seen as 'degraded' by their 'conquerors,'" reads the textbook.

According to the publishing group, the textbook may have flaws in its wording, but has no intention to insult women. However, as "women" are highlighted in the book as the victims of premarital sexual relations, many netizens think the publishing group's explanation is groundless.

Statistics suggest that about 50 percent of women are discriminated at work. Female discrimination, which is highlighted in high school sex education textbooks, is one of the biggest obstacles to social development. The outdated idea that women have to obey men is vividly reflected in the textbook published in the 21st century.

Sex education is urgently needed for high school students. According to media reports in 2014, at least 13 million women had abortions annually, most of whom are unmarried teenagers. China ranks the first in the global abortion rate.

Another survey suggests that the number of college students in Hangzhou requiring free abortions increases by 24 percent every year. Given these alarming statistics, it is of vital importance to educate students to protect themselves.

High school students need professional sex knowledge. Sex is not something to be ashamed of. Both boys and girls need to receive equal sex education, which should not target only girls. Tagging women, rather than men, as "degraded" by having premarital sex is discrimination.

In 2011, Guangdong was thrust into limelight for the proposal to pilot female-orientated sex education in middle and primary schools.

Admittedly, a number of female students, with little self-respect, are willing to trade their bodies for money. However, men are also to blame for this phenomenon. Society should reflect on its sex education for both genders. Highlighting women's responsibilities for premarital sex shows no respect for them, and is prejudiced and discriminates against women.

In an equal society, sex education should take both males and females into considerations. Not only women, but also men, should cultivate correct values on sex, learn to value themselves, and be confident and independent.

Otherwise, sex education will deteriorate into feudal education for women.

Outdated mentalities have no place today

A sex education textbook says that premarital sex has tremendous impact on girls psychologically and physically and a young woman who gives her body for love will make the boy love her less. The textbook accuses girls that have premarital sex of degeneracy.

Apparently this part of the textbook retains the outdated sex education mentality of the last century, which completely denies the possibility of positive premarital sex and just terrifies girls with cruel and sexist languages, showing no respect for gender equality in sex issues.

The groundless ideas included in the high school sex education textbook are bound to be ridiculed by students and questioned by the public.

Although premarital sex is not necessarily embraced by mainstream society, the public is getting increasingly tolerant of it. After all, as time goes, people are diversifying their opinions about sex, and homosexuality is no longer a taboo. The average age of sexual maturity and first sexual experiences have lowered, which is a normal process in a developing society. The textbook should catch up with the times instead of sticking to outdated sexual mentalities.

China's sex education, which gravely lags behind social development, is still an awkward issue for many to face up to. The sex education textbooks often focus on physiological knowledge rather than sexual information so that sex education is not well taught.

In the meantime, many fallacies are widely spread and thus misguide adolescents who are eager to learn about sex but can only obtain information on the Internet or from peers instead of on classes.

Science-based sex education is supposed to teach students and the public the right knowledge and tell them to respect the choice and decisions of others so that people can be mentally prepared for sex and take proper precautions. Educating people can break up the ground for false ideas to flourish.

Rather than vilifying women and disdaining premarital sex, the authorities should pay more attention to properly inform people about sexual knowledge and safer sex to reduce the rate of accidental pregnancy and abortion among unmarried women and protect their health.

This is what the public expects of them.

Chengdu Evening News

Posted in: Viewpoint

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