Venezuelan analysts say Communist Party of China's leadership remarkable

Source:Xinhua Published: 2016/7/11 14:28:29

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has demonstrated remarkable leadership which has successfully led the country through various profound transformations, Venezuelan analysts say.

In a recent interview with Xinhua, international relations expert Jose Antonio Egido said the CPC's success, and by extension China's success, lies in the party's capacity to plan ahead and adapt its policies without losing sight of its fundamental socialist principles.

"China has seen enormous achievements in development, such as having lifted more than 700 million people out of poverty," Egido said.

Earle Herrera, a deputy of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in Venezuela's National Assembly, believes the CPC's ability to quickly respond to domestic and global changes stems from its capacity for self-criticism.

To get the Asian giant to where it is today, the CPC leadership deftly adapted policies and management to new circumstances.

The CPC has been able to create high-level administrative teams capable of inventing new policies, said Egido, adding that the party also knows when and where to take a more hands-on approach.

Thanks to "the party's self-criticism, the CPC has known how to renew itself when political and economic circumstances call for it," Herrera said.

Both Herrera and Egido think Venezuela's PSUV can emulate the CPC's success.

Like China, Venezuela needs to develop its economy by strengthening its productive sectors, said Egido.

The South American country should also develop a "capacity for self-criticism, which will allow it to recognize its mistakes, confront them and overcome them," Herrera said.

Starting in 1978, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, China adopted reforms to boost economic growth by promoting foreign direct investment.

It shows "a party can lead the economy," instead of simply leaving it in the hands of the market or some other forces, Egido noted.

During the devastating 2008 global financial crisis that originated from the United States, the CPC-led government boosted investment in national infrastructure, leading to increased domestic consumption.

"China was able to rectify an export-oriented policy to make major investments in infrastructure, which transformed China's population into a very important target of the industry," Egido said.

The CPC, which this month celebrated the 95th anniversary of its founding on July 1, 1921, leads the world's most populous nation, home to over 1.3 billion people.

Posted in: Viewpoint

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