Virtually remembered

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/7/16 0:18:00

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

Dead heroes get memorials, in real life and elsewhere. In May, Wu Hongyu, a 20-year-old college student in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, chased after a thief who had stolen a classmate's motorbike, and died when he crashed his own bike into the thief's. As a fan of video games, Wu's last Moment post on WeChat stated that he was looking forward to the release of Overwatch, a new computer game developed by Blizzard. The games studio heard Wu's heroic story and responded by adding a memorial to him in one of Overwatch's maps. "Wu Hongyu" was added to one of the spacesuits on display on the Lijiang Tower map, with a podium decorated with white flowers and a sign saying "Heroes never die" at the back wall. Many Overwatch players were touched by Wu's story and Blizzard's arrangement, and bowed to the hero to show their respect. Martyrs' fame doesn't always last the test of time. By adding a memorial to them in a popular game, their stories could inspire every new or old player as long as the servers stay online.

Posted in: Cartoon

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