Brazilians smiling despite troubled times before Rio 2016 Games

By Evandro Menezes de Carvalho Source:Global Times Published: 2016/8/4 22:43:39

The 2016 Summer Olympic Games convenes on Friday in Rio de Janeiro. This event reflects Brazil's growing reputation in the international community. This is also the first time that the Latino world has hosted such a grand event, and it means a lot to Brazil and the rest of Latin America.

Brazil won the bid for the Olympic Games in 2009, but seven years later, economic recession and political turmoil have put the country on edge, in a way Brazilians couldn't previously imagine. The whole world keeps raising questions about whether Rio is able to manage such a great event, as incomplete venues and badly furnished accommodations have been put under the limelight by media reports only days before the opening ceremony.

The optimism the world once had about Brazil is now replaced by serious doubts, which have not only weakened people's expectation for the Games, but also infected the mind of the majority of Brazilians. Without well-established facilities and smooth arrangement, what impression can Brazil leave to the rest of the world?

But the essence of the Rio Olympic Games lies with the athletes and audiences, who are passionate about sports, energetic competitors and peaceful cheerleaders for their teams. Brazilians are proud of hosting the Olympic Games, and looking forward to having a dazzling opening ceremony and duration.

Brazilians are enthusiastic and lively, and their culture is inclined to improvisation. Brazilians are good at dealing with unprepared scenarios because they have got used to living a tense and uncertain life.

Although Brazil is disturbed by many troubles, the people still have hope for their future, and we can restore order from chaos. Temporary difficulties won't make us forget how to smile, hug and care. As for most Brazilians, although there are an array of negative reports about the preparation of the event, we believe the Games will end with carnivals. No matter what, the event will wrap up as expected, and we are pleased to receive so many guests from the rest of the world.

I still remember watching the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, and was intoxicated by the complicated sets and scenes. All the programs are unbelievably grand, neat and uniform. That was a perfect opening ceremony. Brazilians know such astonishing uniformity can only be conducted by the Chinese. China has shown to the world what it has achieved since the reform and opening-up in the 1970s: China has become a prosperous country that heads toward all-out development. In its spirit, there are two key elements: profound culture and history, and powerful discipline.

Many Westerners admire the traditional wisdom of China, but they cannot and don't know how to find a way to learn from the wisdom and mix them in their own life, because the intersection of a modern life and traditional wisdom can be hardly made. But sports offered an excellent opportunity for China to show to the world how they did it.

China has its own version of the Western phrase: When in Rome, do as Romans do. Outsiders should respect and try to get used to local traditions. I hope Chinese tourists who have come to Brazil for the Games can look more at the bright side of Brazil - smile with us, dance with us, drink with us, and enjoy happiness with us.

Regardless of the disorder and disturbances before and in the Games, Brazil will try its best to offer harmony with Brazilian style.

The author is a professor of international law at Getulio Vargas Foundation School of Law and Fluminense Federal University School of Law, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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