Cheaters never win

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/8/5 23:58:39

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

For Chinese students, the gaokao application is sometimes more important than the exams. In this year's gaokao, Chang Sheng, a high school graduate from Qingdao, Shandong Province, failed to be admitted to his first choice of university - Shaanxi Normal University - after his classmate, surnamed Guo, allegedly sabotaged his application form. Despite his lower score in the exams, Guo was recently accepted by Chang's dream college instead. Chang said he was filling in the application forms on the same computer at a teacher's office with Guo, who may have seen him enter his password. Guo's father privately admitted his son tampered with Chang's application form, according to the media. In fact, gaokao is the foremost chance for many young Chinese to climb the ladder of social status. But sabotaging another person is morally unacceptable. Education should be more about morality than academic scores. Though accepted by the university, Guo is still a loser if he sacrificed his classmate's future for his.

Posted in: Cartoon

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