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Marriage certificates evolve in 60 years

  • Source: Global Times
  • [18:07 September 27 2009]
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In the late 1990s, China saw its economy grow. The country launched the reform and opening up policy. Special economic zones along China's coast flourished, spurring the development of the country. Since 1994, uniform certificates were issued nationwide and downsized to a passport-like booklet in line with other countries around the world.

The red cover of a marriage certificate in the 1990s.

The marriage certificate of a Uygur couple issued in 1997.

In the new century, China has witnessed remarkable advances in economic development and social progress. In 2004, the Ministry of Civil Affairs updated marriage licenses to a russet-colored cover that is also tamper-proof, as it was chopped with a metal seal instead of a rubber stamp. These certificates were more portable than their predecessors.

Today's marriage certificate

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