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More bang for your buck

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:38 June 03 2010]
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Pizza 2 Go

Despite what its name might suggest, Pizza 2 Go also serves up decent burritos, with 10 inch burritos starting at 18 yuan. Burrito enthusiasts might be familiar with this burrito joint's previous incarnation as Fire and Ice on Gao'an Road. The new location is inconspicuously tucked in a kitchen in the back of a bustling self-service printing shop. Ordering in person inevitably results in the incredulous stares of customers. Chips and salsa aren't included, but a small order can be had for 8 yuan.

The burritos from Pizza 2 Go come with rice, beans, salsa and gooey, easy cheese. For those afraid of processed food, this one isn't for you. For those of you who don't mind getting something just a step up from an Alldays microwaveable burrito, you'll be in heaven. The most noteworthy part of the burrito was the salsa, a simple pico de gallo of diced tomatoes, onions and cilantro.

Pizza to Go, 193 Wulumuqi Road South, near Zhaojiabang Road, 6431 2378, 10 am to 10:30 pm.

Taco Loco

Located just up the street from the Mexican-food Mecca, Cantina Agave, Taco Loco offers its own brand of Mexican food for approximately half the price of its competitor. Seating is limited, and the menu is simple - burritos, tacos, chips and salsa. You won't find a gourmet variety of fillings and their "salsa bar" is really just two bowls on a countertop - one of pico de gallo, the other of fresh sliced jalapeños. In addition, the service can be spotty, and they often run out of ingredients (particularly guacamole). However, what Taco Loco may lack at times in service or class, it more than makes up for in reasonably priced Mexican food that is surprisingly good.

The 28 yuan chicken burrito is filled with black beans, a hearty Mexican rice, sour cream and chicken. Perhaps the most important addition to the whole package is the side of fresh-made guacamole - finely mashed avocados with just a hint of cilantro and jalapeño. The only downside is that they don't give you more of it.

Taco Loco, 185 Fumin Road, near Julu Road, 5403 2348, 10:30 am

But, didn't you try the burritos at the Expo?

Yes, we did. The Mexican Pavilion's restaurant is affiliated with Mi Tierra, the upscale Mexican restaurant on Yongjia Road. The burritos here were expensive at 85 yuan, but to be fair they did come with a salad and fries. On top of that, these are Expo burritos, so a mark-up is expected.

Taste wise, the burrito wasn't anything special. The typical grilled white meat chicken found in other burritos was substituted for under-seasoned dark meat chicken, paired with almost no sour cream and a light dapple of refried beans. Mostly, it was rice, rice, rice all the way. Altogether it was a bland oily mess, but for the hungry expo-goer who's been standing in lines all day, this might just do the trick.

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