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True Xinjiang


Sleeping beauties kissed by a camera

  • Source: Global Times
  • [11:23 June 29 2010]
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Drowsy subjects

Although Hagemann intended the tone of the site to be lighthearted and fun, he did acknowledge that he has received critical e-mails from some visitors. Like Oliver Radtke, the German sinologist who created the Chinglish File in an effort to exhibit the "beauty" of "an English dictionary meeting Chinese grammar," Hagemann's website has also occasionally caused a bit of a stir.

But Hagemann has also received many positive responses, especially from young Chinese recognizing the phenomenon. He has had a few experiences in which his sleeping subjects responded kindly to his impromptu photo shoots after being awakened by their friends, Hagemann said.

Cooper Wakefield, an American teacher who lived in China for more than eight years, has followed Hagemann's website. "Just looking over the introduction he wrote, I can detect no sarcasm," he said. "I find his idea to bring a new perspective very sincere and it is completely different from other sites like engrish. com that look only to make jokes. I think his message would be: Don't change too much, China!"

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