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True Xinjiang


The soldiers of the subway

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:58 September 08 2010]
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10 steps towards a smoother and safer subway ride


Queue while waiting for the train and let the passengers exit first.

Be cautious when riding the escalators and stand on the right side, leave the left side clear for people in a hurry.

Mind the gap while boarding and alighting from the train.

Offer seats to seniors, disabled or pregnant passengers and passengers with infants.

In case of emergency keep calm and follow the instructions of metro staff.


Wait inside the yellow line, or walk, sit or lie between the platform screen doors and the yellow line.

Take suitcases, bicycles or other bulky objects onto the metro. The same goes for animals.

Talk loudly on cellphones.

Operate emergency or safety facilities when there is no need.

Lie, put feet on seats or block doors.

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