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Jazz strikes a chord with Chinese notes

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:44 April 12 2010]
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The pianist told the Global Times that his interest in Chinese culture, and Chinese traditional music in particular, was solidified by his early tours of the country, which began in 2007. "Chinese music really got in my blood," he enthused. Burnett has a special fondness for Shanghai and has written a number of songs dedicated to figures on the Shanghai music scene. This year's tour has a definite Shanghai slant; his latest collection of tunes is inspired by the sweeping changes to the city's landscape. When asked why he chose "JZ Expo Suite," Thompson was quick to reply, "Well, what choice did I have?"

The Chinese language, too, has engaged Thompson, who studies Mandarin for two to three hours a day. Displaying the wry, self-deprecating humor for which he is well-known, Thompson suggested "everyone knows that you can study Mandarin for hours every day for years and still be awful. I'm living proof of that."

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