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The writing is on the Expo wall

  • Source: Global Times
  • [14:01 May 26 2010]
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A new piece by leading German "graphoto" artist TASSO. Photos: Courtesy of Shanghai Graffiti Park

Though surprised by the quality of the local scene, TASSO pointed out another issue that will need to be addressed: "Even in Germany this kind of art is still very independent and is not recognized in the way it should be. There are not many places for people to learn. The universities cannot teach this; only we can teach this."

Graffiti communities often have a hierarchical element, with skills being passed down from more experienced artists to their younger counterparts.

"The Shanghai Expo is a big opportunity for us. Officially they have invited many VIPs, but many more graffiti artists are coming here of their own accord. Some are great DJs or MCs, and they are searching out the local scene. So this six-month period is a good chance for us to see more unexpected things happen."

SGP has a number of events planned. It will soon be working with KFC on a project where the restaurant advertises the graffiti park to children in the city, in return for some artwork. The program will eventually include a competitive element, with a number of talented artists selected to design artwork for baseball caps, T-shirts and skateboards.

Some of Shanghai's districts are looking to invest in the development of local public culture. "And not only traditional arts, but new styles too," said Zhou.

"In Baoshan district for example, the governors have created a legal, free wall to paint on. In certain districts though, especially those with historic buildings, graffiti is still forbidden."

Zhou is confident that Shanghai graffiti artists will have increasing options for locations as time progresses.

"We wanted to find a more beautiful location for our graffiti park, but usually if it is some-where near a business area or office block it isn't allowed. Finally we found this place, which is really cool because the neighbors, the community and the landlord are all happy for us to paint here," related Zhou.

One of the aims of the graffiti park is to open every other weekend to allow anyone who wants to come and paint to be able to do so.

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