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Expo gets electronic jolt

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:06 May 31 2010]
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Dave Liang performs at Boston University. Photo: Courtesy of Megan Vanison

By Huang Xi

With everyone and their brother trying to cut out their slice of the Shanghai Expo pie, the Chinese-American music producer Dave Liang is celebrating the debut of his album eXpo, a compilation of some of China's best electronic music stars.

The music, from 10 independent musicians in China, is much different from anything Liang has previously done.

His early music combined traditional Chinese instruments and hip-hop with electronic music to produce albums like The Shanghai Restoration Project, Story of a City, Zodiac and Afterquake.

eXpo, which can now be downloaded online, has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual Expo, but Liang thinks that the Shanghai Expo is a perfect moment to showcase works from Chinese electro-artists. Red Mushroom is the only work in this album that Liang remixed.

"It is like a folk song conveying the composer's love and life to the listeners, but I think that the bass is too direct and too simple. It should be more powerful," commented Meng Mengqi, a music editor who graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music and majored in electronic music.

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