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True Xinjiang


Learning Chinese June 28

  • Source: Global Times
  • [14:22 June 28 2010]
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Illustration: Xia Qing

Weekly topic: travel 
预定   (yù dìng) Booking
A :你预定酒店了么?(nǐ yù dìng jiǔ diàn le me ?)
A:Did you booking the hotel yet?
B:还没有。(hái méi yǒu 。)
B:not yet.
A:现在是旅游旺季,所以最好在动身之前把酒店预订好。(yīn wèi xiàn zài shì lǚ yóu wàng jì , suǒ yǐ zuì hǎo zài dòng shēn zhī qián bǎ jiǔ diàn yù dìng hǎo 。)
A:For now is the tourist season, so booking hotel before leaving which is the best.

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