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True Xinjiang


On Stage June 29

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:51 June 29 2010]
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Hyun-Su Shin Violin


This 23-year-old violinist from Seoul is regarded as one of the most promising young artists in Asia. Acclaimed internationally since the age of 9, she was crowned "New Artist of the Year" by the Music Association of Korea in 2007. She will be performing Bach's Ciaccona and Beethoven's Violin Sonata at her Shanghai concert.

Date: Tomorrow, 7:30 pm

Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall


Address: 523 Yan'an Road East


Tickets: 100 to 300 yuan

Call 6386-2836 for details

Private Lives

This 1930 comedy written by Noel Coward focuses on a divorced couple who come across each other while honeymooning with their new spouses. It will be performed by the Shanghai Repertory Theater.

Date: July 2, 8 pm

Venue: Ke Center


Address: 613 Kaixuan Road


Tickets: 180 yuan (pre-sale), 200 yuan (at the door)

Call 1364-1701-170 for more information