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True Xinjiang


Wax on, tune out

  • Source: Global Times
  • [14:30 June 30 2010]
  • Comments

The movie poster of The Karate Kid.

Sweep the leg or sweep under the carpet? Shanghai speaks:

Edwin Van de Heide,

48, 7 years in Shanghai

"The only thing I really enjoyed about this film was the cinematography. There were plenty of nice camera angles and the colors were warm. I remember the original being a much better film."

Jason Field,

36, 3 years in Shanghai

"Will Smith's son did a good job as the slightly cocky American youth. I think he will turn out to be a fine actor. The movie itself suffered from a lack of subplot and the second half was just one long montage."

Chen Li, 24, Shanghai native

"The movie was far too long and didn't really keep my attention. The inclusion of so many children made for some awkward scenes. I didn't really enjoy Jackie Chan's action scene, when he was beating up a group of small boys."

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