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True Xinjiang


On Stage July 2

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:02 July 02 2010]
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We Are One

Angela Brown, the American opera star, will give a solo recital to celebrate America's Independence Day. The renowned soprano will show off her impressive storytelling and gifted voice for her first performance in China.

Date: July 4, 6 pm

Venue: Expo Culture Center


Address: Zone B of the Expo site 世博园B区

Visit www.usapavilion2010.com for details

Qingming Riverside

Qingming Riverside is a dance performance inspired by Along the River During the Qingming Festival, a famous scroll painting created in China's Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). It portrays the beautiful scenery of Bianjing (today's Kaifeng in Henan Province) during the Qingming Festival. After extensive research the Hong Kong Dance Company has transformed it into a dance that captures the lives of ancient people in beautiful movements.

Date: July 9, 7:15 pm

Venue: Shanghai Grand Theater 上海大剧院

Address: 300 People's Avenue


Tickets: 50 to 380 yuan

Call 6217-2426 or 6217-3055 for details