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Building a better planet

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:09 July 02 2010]
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Finland's exhibit is a model of Vuosaari Hill which is located outside Helsinki, an example of how to deal with pollution from the building industry in a sustainable way.

"For every square meter we build, we have a garbage production of 100 kilograms," said Martinussen, an experienced architect.

By adding native topsoil and transplanting vegetation, architects have created beautiful landscapes with the garbage from construction sites. Some of the materials used in this project are displayed on the stools around the Vuosaari Hill model.

The Geopark from Norway shows how architects can create new environments inside cities by reusing petroleum-based resources. Delicate and vibrant models inside the display case reveal a colorful landscape where people can relax and have fun.

The original project was an experimental urban space.

Architects have tested new ways of using production methods and materials from the petroleum sector, and have created an activity park for children in Stavanger, an oil industry-based city in Norway.

These landscape architecture projects are not only constructions for practical purpose, but also works of art.

"They combine sustainability with artistic thinking and artistic design," said Martinussen who believes that the exhibition shows the possibilities of building landscapes which are beautiful, useful and responsible.

Date: Until August 15, 8 am to 10 pm

Venue: Nordic Lighthouse 北欧航标

Address: 32 Qinhuangdao Road


Admission: Free

Visit www.nlh2010.com for details

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