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Tom almost has a good knight

  • Source: Global Times
  • [11:23 July 12 2010]
  • Comments

Knight and Day movie poster. Photo: AFP Relaxnews

Kate Lewis,

28, 2 years in Shanghai

"I couldn't stand this movie, even though I am a huge fan of romantic comedies. The action scenes were just vehicles for some awkward sounding chat-up lines and the development of the main characters was so weak that I couldn't really care less about them."

Asaph Lerburn,

26, 6 years in Shanghai

"I'm not sure what to make of the movie. I couldn't work out what it was trying to do, though I think it was definitely a film for girls. Tom Cruise looked old and the whole jumping from car to car thing was dumb."

Gregory Combs,

45, 3 years in Shanghai

"A fairly dull effort. For me this cynical movie didn't really come off and I was bored throughout. My girlfriend seemed to enjoy it more and thought the truth-drug serum scene when Diaz tells an international drug dealer exactly what she thinks of him while Cruise whizzes around in the background picking off his guards was particularly funny."

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