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Shanghai tunes to the Big Apple

  • Source: Global Times
  • [11:22 July 13 2010]
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Conductor Andrey Boreyko from the NYP. Photos: Courtesy of Liu Shuyun

Yu Long, the art director of the SSO and conductor for this performance, said that 120 members from the SSO will be in the orchestra in New York.

Yu explained that it was an honor to be the first to play with the NYP in Central Park.

"Last October, we gave a successful concert in Carnegie Hall successfully and toured 11 cities in North America for 12 performances," Yu said.

"This has fostered not only success in music, but also a successful exploration of the international market and professional management."

According to Yu, it is difficult for orchestras in China to develop with domestic marketing strategies.

"We must learn how to draw support from the international market and make the best use of it," he added.

"I am honored to be the conductor for the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, which has become an interna-tional cultural ambassador for Shanghai. And we are delighted to perform in the heart of New York City in a concert dedicated to this year's World Expo, hosted by our home city. The musi-cians and I are very excited to be a part of this unique event," Yu said.

Lang Lang, the piano soloist for this performance, has played sold-out recitals and concerts in most major cities in the world and was listed as one of the "100 Most Influential People" by Time magazine last year.

"It is a great honor to play in Central Park with the SSO and the NYP to cheer for the Shanghai Expo," said Lang Lang who has performed with the NYP several times and in November 2008 played Beethoven's Piano Concert No.1.

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