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True Xinjiang


Rooms with a view

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:58 July 14 2010]
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Tucho Iglesias. Photos: Courtesy of Chai Living

The Chai team meticulously studied how to match each item with its surroundings. So the ceilings of the apartments feature the original exposed concrete beams while the same material and technique has been used to build new pillars which conceal water piping.

Similarly the guest bedrooms feature an old-fashioned circular fan, to complement the modern air conditioning unit. Other objects reminiscent of old Shanghai included bamboo dustpans and Chinese inkstones. Each of the 15 apartments has its own theme reflecting an aspect of Chinese culture including porcelain, silk, jade, ink, calligraphy and tea.

"I decided which theme would be suitable for each apartment and chose the colors accordingly; so black and white for the calligraphy, and blue and white for the porcelain. I'm very interested in Chinese culture, so I wanted to create living spaces that are representative of this."

For a perfectionist like Iglesias, design and renovation is an ongoing process. His first ever apartment project, completed in 2006, is already due for a total refurbishment. "If he is ever less than satisfied with what he has done, he will spend whatever it takes to get it right," said Li Dengfeng. As an example, Li points to the time Iglesias traveled to Thailand to locate a certain silk fabric for the sofas. Even when an apartment is officially ready it will not be leased imme-diately. Iglesias will invite past clients or friends to live in the apartment, seek their opinions and then make any further modifications.

"We are always open to new ideas, and from any source," he said.

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